The OwoCraft Community
Discord Rules
- Be respectful towards other people
Everyone deserves to be spoken to and addressed in a respectful manner.
Refrain from using offensive, discriminatory or provocative content and keep drama out of the server.
Avoid sensitive topics.
2. Harassment, hate speech and discrimination is not allowed
Attacking people based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban. No appeals will be allowed.
3. Use English on the server
Most people here speak English. While other languages are just equally as important, we don't want people to feel left out.
4. Do not spam or troll
You are not allowed to send the same message multiple times in chat in a short amount of time.
This includes repetitive emotes, images, GIFs, etc...
Do not try to ridicule anyone or anything.
5. Sexually explicit/NSFW images, links and content is prohibited
This is not the place for it.
6. No Advertisements
Advertisements are unwanted. Nobody wants to see them. Do not send any ads in chat or DM them to any member.
What is allowed:
Link to an Instagram post
Link to a Twitter post
Link to a YouTube video
Link to an Article
Something you made.
What is NOT allowed:
Selling things
Discord Servers
Minecraft Servers
7. Follow Discord TOS and Guidelines
Discord Terms of Service -
Discord Guidelines -
In addition to these rules, the staff reserves the right to enforce the rules at their own discretion in order to keep The OwOCraft Community a safe and welcoming place for everyone